2018-2019 Planning Meeting

Plan the 2018-2019 LA ACM SIGGRAPH schedule. Our events just don't happen - it takes a lot of planning. We end our 2017-2018 season with an Executive Council Planning meeting for the 2018-2019 season. RSVPs are required.

Monday, 18 June 2018
3233 S La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles, CA. 90016

The planning meeting for the 2018-2019 season develops and identifies the ideas for our next season. We are looking for people with ideas for event and people who are willing to volunteer to make the ideas happen. RSVPs are required. This meeting is open to all members of the Chapter. We want people with event ideas to attend and contribute. To help us manage the ideas, please submit them on the contact page or send an emai to los-angeles-chapter@siggraph.org. Please include as many items in the list below as you can:

  • Your name (required)
  • Your email (not really required, but we may need to reach you)
  • Your phone # (not really required, but we may need to reach you)
  • Idea title or topic (required)
  • Idea description (required)
  • Date restrictions (e.g., movie release date, gallery opening, etc.)
  • Date preferred choice: 11 Sep, 9 Oct, 13 Nov, 11 Dec, 8 Jan, 12 Feb, 12 Mar, 9 Apr, 14 May, 11 Jun
  • Producer (ideas with producers are more likely to happen)
  • Possible venue

We are also interested in people who want to volunteer. There are a lot of opportunities. Come by and see what will fit your abilities and needs. The meeting is at The Mill. You need to RSVPs to attend so we can get an accurate count for food and seating.


6:30-7:15   Networking and food
7:00-7:30   2017-2018 final executive meeting
7:30-9:30   Planning for 2018-2019


This event is free and we feed you. We request RSVPs so we can plan the food quantity and selection, and so that we can accommodate enough seating. RSVP's close on Monday, 18 June 2018 at 12 Noon PDT. All interested people are welcome to attend.

Special Thanks

Congratulations to our new Elected Officers for the 2018-2019 Season: Ed Lantz, Chair; Ed Arroyo, Vice Chair; Sherry Steele, Secretary; Dave Curlender, Treasurer; and Smita Bagla, Membership. Special thanks to all of those who held appointed positions this past season: Mike Amron, Co-Treasurer; Sheriann Ki Sun Burnham, Art Director; Leonard Daly, Electronic Services; Kathleen Milnes, Education; and Timothy Everingham, Volunteer Services. Special Recognition to Joan Collins, Chair Emeritus; and Leonard Daly, Past Chair. Special thanks to Fran Benjamin and the Mill for hosting our Executive Council meetings this Spring. Thanks to all of the Executive Council volunteers since 1979.