AI for Learning Photorealistic 3D Digital Humans from In-the-Wild Data

Thursday, April 18, 2024  7:00 PM to 8:30 PM PDT

Traditionally, creating 3D digital humans requires lengthy efforts by digital artists, and often costly 3D scanning by special multi-view scanners. Learn how recent generative AI technologies allow the learning of photorealistic 3D representations from a collection of in-the-wild 2D images, such as internet photos. 

SPEAKER:  Matthew Chan joined NVIDIA as a research engineer 2022.   

Matthew's homepage with publications:
Matthew's 2nd 3D generator (high quality)

Joint event by Silicon Valley ACM SIGGRAPH (SVSIGGRAPH), San Francisco Bay Area ACM (SFBayACM) and Los Angeles ACM SIGGRAPH (LASIGGRAPH).

Thursday, 18 April 2024

7:00-7:05 -- Introductions
7:05-8:05 -- Presentations

8:05-8:30 -- Q&A


This is a free Webinar. You must register here  to get access to the event.

This event is open and free to everyone.  We always appreciate a donation or Chapter Membership to help cover our expenses.

In addition to Zoom, we will livestream on YouTube

You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

Alesh Jancarik, and Karl Anderson of the Silicon Valley ACM SIGGRAPH;  and Henry LaBounta, Tereza Flaxman and all members of San Francisco ACM SIGGRAPH;  and Joan Collins and all members of the Executive Council of the Los Angeles chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH.

Join a chapter today.