Social Media, Social Art and The Blu

Wemo Media and the Los Angeles Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH invite you to a special behind the scenes look at "The Blu", a new on-line social media experience in collaboration with Hollywood and Academia. This is an RSVP event.

Monday, 10 October 2011
Digital artist, VR, & VFX pioneer
Kevin Mack Art (

6:30pm-7:30pm Social Hour, refreshments courtesy of Wemo Media

- 6:30-7:00pm Member-only admission with RSVP

- 7:00-7:30pm General admission with RSVP

7:35pm-8:05pm Welcome and Intro to Wemo Media and The Blu, Neville Spiteri

8:10pm-8:40pm The future of digital art, Kevin Mack

8:40pm-9:00pm Live Demo of The Blu and the Maker platform – Ben Miller, Tamar Zeithlian, Scott Reeser

9:00pm-9:30pm Q&A


This is an RSVP event for the purpose of the complimentary valet parking and refreshments. Please enter the driver's name and the number of people arriving with the driver.

All LA ACM SIGGRAPH will be admitted free of charge. Non-members of LA ACM SIGGRAPH are admitted for $20.00. New LA ACM SIGGRAPH members who sign up on-site, and pay the $40 annual membership fee (checks or cash only), do not have to pay the $20 admission fee.

Special Thanks

The people at Wemo, Agent Xray (Craig Halperin), Sheri Burnham, Leonard Daly, members of the Executive Council, and all of the volunteers.