Virtual Humans: Modeling vs. Volumetric

Explore the art and science of virtual humans. Produced in cooperation with DigitalLA.

Monday, 16 September 2019
5877 Obama Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. 90016

Drill down into techniques for creating Digital Humans: Modeling vs Volumetric with a panel of industry experts. We will discuss pros and cons in modeling and rigging humans via software vs. volumetric capture and mocap, and blended methods.

Moderated by Kevin Winston, Digital LA.


7:00-7:30   Check In and Networking, Light appetizers provided by ACM SIGGRAPH
7:30-8:30   Panel with Paul Debevec as Keynote
8:30-9:00   After Networking


Please check in at SIGGRAPH registration table. All LA ACM SIGGRAPH members will be admitted free of charge. Non-members of LA ACM SIGGRAPH are admitted for $40.00. New LA ACM SIGGRAPH members, who sign up on-site, and pay the $40 annual membership fee, do not have to pay the $40 admission fee. The chapter accepts checks, cash, or credit cards (Mastercard or Visa only) for all dues or fees.


Special Thanks

Kevin Winston, Digital LA; Venue sponsor Phase Two, Gregg Katano; Ed Lantz, Ed Arroyo, Tim Everingham, Leonard Daly, Sheri Ki Sun Burnham, Chapter Executive Council, and all of the volunteers.