Entertainment at Speed: Introducing Blender 2.90!

Los Angeles Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH together with the Los Angeles Blender User Group presents a special event to mark the release of the newest version of Blender.

Saturday, 29 August 2020
Virtual Event

The latest version of Blender, version 2.90, will be released on August 26th 2020 (https://developer.blender.org/project/view/110/). Blender is special because it's open-source and with the rise of cloud computing and remote work, especially after this COVID-19 experience, the importance and prevalence of open-source software looks set to increase.

Make a note of the early start time for this event: 10am PDT.

This LA ACM SIGGRAPH  and LA Blender User Group joint Zoom event will feature an overview highlighting the new features of version 2.90, given by the Blender Foundation, as well as project presentations by working pros who use Blender in their day-to-day work at their studios. There will also be lots of Q&A so if you've been meaning to find out more about Blender this is your chance, and if you already use it, then this is an event you won't want to miss!


This event will start right on time so please join a couple of minutes early. Also make a note of the early start time for this event: 10am to 1pm PDT!

10:00am: Blender Overview and 2.90 Features: Blender Foundation (blender.org)
10:30am: Blender for Blender for Short Films: Skywatch by Colin Levy (colinlevy.com)
11:10am: Blender for VFX: Dustin Bowser of Visual Creatures (visualcreatures.com)
11:40am: Blender VFX Panel: Colin Levy, David Andrade, Dustin Bowser, Joseph Conover
12:35pm: Blender for Game Development: Blobkin Blaster by David Andrade of Theory Studios (theorystudios.com)


Register for this event at on LA SIGGRAPH Meetup event page.

Though this event is open and free to everyone, we always appreciate a donation to help cover our expenses. You may join the LA Chapter by paying the annual membership fee of for $40. The chapter accepts credit cards (Mastercard or Visa only) for all dues or fees through PayPal.

Special Thanks

Los Angeles Blender User Group, the SIGGRAPH Executive Council including Sunil Rampersad, Rob Stauffer, Elizabeth Cameron, Dave Curlender, Sharon Eisenberg, Leonard Daly, and all of the volunteers.