The VFX of Horror: Achieving Eerie Aesthetics in Film, TV and Games

LA ACM SIGGRAPH presents the VFX of Horror: Achieving Eerie Aesthetics in Film, TV and Games.  The presenters include Johnathan Banta, André Bustanoby, Lilit Hayrapetyan, Jason Hendrich, Todd Masters & Chloe Veillard. Maija Beeton will serve as the moderator. This will be a free live Zoom virtual event.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Virtual Event

When the goal is to create work that’s so mysterious, strange, or unexpected that it sends chills up your spine, there’s a lot to achieve aesthetically and technically. A project’s design will come first but then all the live action and digital elements need to work together to support the story or game-play. From Aliens to Zombies, whether you're simulating bloody viscera or keeping the horror PG-13, how do you achieve a project’s unique aesthetic? What specific considerations, and/or opportunities do you have in interactive media versus film and TV? The panelists will present their brilliant case study solutions to these and other questions.

Following the panels at 9:00 p.m., join us for a VR Social Hour & Halloween Party Our venue will be The Sky Cinema Fly In Theater in Mozilla Hubs. The url will be given out to the panel attendees during the event. If you haven’t used Mozilla Hubs yet, please get started with this video tutorial "Getting Started with Mozilla Hubs".


7:00 - Chapter Introduction
7:05 - Intro and Discussion TV & Film Panel
7:45 - Audience Q & A
8:00 - Intro & Discussion Thresh Unbound: A Night at the Inn Panel
8:40 - Audience Q & A
9:00 - VR After Party for LA ACM SIGGRAPH Members Only



This is a free Zoom event. You must register with Zoom to get access to the event.

This event is open and free to everyone. You must register through Zoom to get access to this Webinar. We always appreciate a donation or Chapter Membership to help cover our expenses.

You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Sean Sturm of Riot Games, Leonard Daly, Sunil Rampersad, Larry Rosenthal and the other members of the Executive Council and LA ACM SIGGRAPH.