Emerging AI Standards For XR

A review of MPAI Standards for XR, and discussion with MPAI/MPEG founder Leonardo Chiariglione.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

The development of standards and protocols have vastly accelerated the growth of industry applications of technologies incuding video (SDI, HDMI, NDI etc), video compression (JPEG, MPEG, PNG), 3D data (FBX, OBJ, OpenGL, WEB GL, glTF, USD) and more. The MPAI community is developing standards for AI applications including XR venues, metaverse applications, immersive audio, video coding, human-machine interfaces and more. The organization’s work has already resulted in eight standards ratified by IEEE. MPAI founder Leonardo Chiariglione and his team will present MPAI’s latest efforts in standards development related to XR applications including 360 domes, metaverse worlds, human-machine interfaces and 6 DOF audio and invite industry participation in a wide range of AI standards efforts.


Saturday, Jan. 18;   11:00 am PST

11:00am - Welcome/Announcements
11:10am - Introductions and Talks
12:10pm - Audience Q&A



This is a free Zoom event. This event is open and free to everyone. You must register through Zoom to get access to this Webinar.   

We always appreciate a donation or Chapter Membership to help cover our expenses. You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

We would like to thank event producer/presenter, Ed Lantz, presenters:  Leonardo Chiariglione, Marina Bosi, Andrea Bottino and Mark Seligman;  plus Officers of the LA ACM SIGGRAPH chapter Executive Council including Joan Collins, Larry Rosenthal, Rick Hernandez, Dave Curlender, Sharon Eisenberg, and members of the EC: Fran Zandonella Benjamin, Leonard Daly, Ed Lantz, Diane Piepol, and Ed Arroyo.