

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring an upcoming program of the Los Angeles Professional Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH. Our events range from breakdowns of the latest visual effects or 3D film to virtual reality for scientific and military applications, and other computer graphic arenas. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, run entirely by volunteers. Like most non-profits, our membership dues only cover part of our expenses. Therefore, we must rely on the generosity of our donors to mount these high quality events.

Our donors have included Autodesk, Disney, Microsoft, RTT, Springbox and visual effects boutiques such as Entity FX and Blur Studios.

Sponsorship FAQs

  1. What does it cost to produce an LA Siggraph program?
    Each event has three principal expenses: the venue, the catering, and the publicity. Our venue costs range from $1,500 to over $5,000 and have included the Barnsdall Municipal Park Theater, the Television Academy, UCLA and the Peterson Automotive Museum. Where possible, LA Siggraph caters the events. However, some venues require we use their in-house or contract caterers and that significantly increases our costs. Self catering averages $500 per event – outside catering can range from $2,000 - $3,000.

    Each event is announced to over 700 local members with a professionally designed full color postcard, produced entirely by skilled Executive Council artist volunteers. (See previous programs for examples.) Sponsors secured at the time of the mailing are appropriately acknowledged. This card is also the basis for an email blast that reaches over 2,000 professionals on the LA Siggraph announcement mailing list. In addition, the card is reformatted as a flyer sent to over 300 educators throughout Los Angeles to post for their students and colleagues. It is also posted on the LA Siggraph website where it remains long after the event has occurred. The hard costs for the postcard mailing averages $800 per month.

  2. What does it cost to sponsor an LA Siggraph event?
    Our minimum donation is $500. Many companies sponsor all the event costs while others have given less. Some companies work with their partners and/or vendors to collaborate on sponsorships.
  3. What are the benefits of sponsorship?
    There are many benefits of sponsorship:
    • Inclusion in all of our publicity efforts. This includes a printed post card, Chapter website, email announcments, and an email blast to various media outlets.
    • Companies are welcome to display product literature at a designated table during the social networking event prior to the program as well as afterwards.
    • If space permits, sponsors will have a table for product demos during the social hour. This is not available at all venues.
    • Depending on the level of sponsorship and the program itself, program time may also be used to showcase the company product or showreel -- this is limited to no more than five minutes and will be negotiated with each sponsor individually.
    • Complementary admission to sponsored event(s) as well as a complementary one-year membership in LA Siggraph.
    • Other benefits are negotiable.

  4. Who attends LA ACM SIGGRAPH events?
    LA Siggraph events attract highly engaged professionals from all aspects of the computer graphics industry. In addition, faculty and students as well as savvy fans also attend. We offer technically focused programs, as well as events which revolve around artistic uses of computer graphics. The audience varies depending on the topic.
  5. Who do I contact for further information?
    Please contact our Sponsor Chair at sponsor [AT] la-siggraph.org.