When Real is Not Enough: The Quest to Digitally Simulate Humans


Monday, 13 April 2009
Principal Investigator
USC's Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT)

When Real is Not Enough (WRINE) is a series of panel discussions that provide brain-sparking exchange and examination of where the race to photorealistic, realtime graphics and immersive experience is headed in our lifetime and beyond. This third incarnation of WRINE will focus on the creation of virtual humans. Whether realtime, spoken word interactive or eerily photorealistic, all challenge the uncanny valley.

Join Diane Piepol and Patrick Kenny of USC's Institute for Creative Technologies as they relay behind-the- scenes challenges with creating virtual characters you can speak with in realtime, taking them from the lab to real world uses.

Image Metrics' Oleg Alexander will present on The Making of Emily. Go behind the scenes of the Image Metrics' Emily project. Topics include: shooting the live action plates with Emily O'Brien, scanning at USC Graphics Lab, facial rigging, facial animation, rendering and compositing and future plans for a "Real-time Emily".


6:30-7:30   Social Hour
7:30-9:30   Program


All LA ACM SIGGRAPH will be admitted free of charge. Non-members of LA ACM SIGGRAPH are admitted for $20.00. New LA ACM SIGGRAPH members who sign up on-site, and pay the $40 annual membership fee (checks or cash only), do not have to pay the $20 admission fee.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Claudia Sumner (Meeting Producer & Past Chair), UCLA Design | Media Arts, Image Metrics, Maroun Harb and UCLA staff, all presenters, Leonard Daly, Sheriann Kisun Burnham and all LA ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter Executive Council members and volunteers.