Rene Amador


Rene has been generating content since high school, directing over 350 commercials, short films, and pilots. He is a serial entrepreneur who's worked at 16 startups and founded 4, including 8 years as Creative Director for Automaton, a creative ad agency. In 2017 Rene co-founded ARwall, a XR technology company serving creators and brands, where he serves as CEO, and top evangelist for the virtual production revolution in content creation. In 2018, ARwall won the SXSW top AR/VR tech startup prize; and in 2020 the CES DreamlandXR prize for Best AR Experience for a AR/XR LBE and retail platform called ARwall Interactive. He has served as key creative or XR lead on projects for Disney, Soapbox Films, Watchmen/HBO, Netflix, NBCUniversal, CBS, Invisage (acquired by Apple), Mars/M&Ms, Adobe, Verizon, AT&T, Indie-Pop, Honda, FOX, A+E Networks, Playboy, MoMA, DK Publishing, Chronicle Books, Doubleday, Kraft Foods, Daqri, Skylar Stecker, Joe Digital, Initiative, AOL, and many more.