Oz The Great and Powerful - Screening

LA ACM SIGGRAPH and Claremont in Entertainment and Media (The CEM) jointly present a screening of Disney's "Oz The Great and Powerful". You must RSVP at http://la.siggraph.org/rsvp/oz-great-and-powerful/ to attend this event.

Monday, 11 March 2013

6:30-7:00   Social Time - Members and guests
7:00-7:15   Introductions
7:15-9:30   Screening
9:30-9:45   Q&A with Scott Stokdyk


All attendees must RSVP to get into Walt Disney Studios. Reservations are only accepted at http://la.siggraph.org/rsvp/oz-great-and-powerful/.

All LA ACM SIGGRAPH will be admitted free of charge. Non-members of LA ACM SIGGRAPH are admitted for $20.00. New LA ACM SIGGRAPH members who sign up on-site, and pay the $40 annual membership fee, do not have to pay the $20 admission fee. The chapter accepts checks, cash, or credit cards (Mastercard or Visa only) for all dues or fees.

Special Thanks

LA ACM SIGGRAPH and Claremont in Entertainment and the Media wishes to thank Walt Disney Studios, Leonard Daly (LA ACM SIGGRAPH), Kat Garcia (The CEM), Sheri Ki Sun Burnham, Hans Gelpke, Susan Vanderhyden, Kim Van Hoven, the Executive Council, and all the volunteers.