Studio Work @ Home

Due to #Covid-19, Los Angeles has been under "Safer at Home" and "Safer L.A." Emergency Orders limiting outside activities. That doesn't mean work stops. This panel discussion addresses how various studios are handling their work and helping their employees work from home. Free registration on Zoom.


Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Virtual Event

Since 19 March, Los Angeles has been under "Safer at Home" and "Safer L.A." Emergency Orders limiting outside activities. The Los Angeles Chapter of SIGGRAPH presents a panel discussing plans to keep a minimum of 66% of people out of the office for an extended time, and the obstacles to overcome on everyone's part. Studios need to keep their clients happy with completing work on time, within budget, and protecting IP. They also need to support their employees with equipment (h/w and s/w) while providing them a secure means to work on projects.

The panelists represent several different studios all located in LA.

Emergency Orders external links (pdf)


All attendees must register on Zoom.


6:30-6:45 -- Open chat with Chapter Leaders
6:45-6:55 -- Introductions
6:55-8:55 -- Panel Discussion
8:55-9:15 -- Q&A, wrap-up


Free registration is on Zoom. You need to provide your name, email, and location - it's that easy!

You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

Christopher Leslie, Saker Klippsten, Aldo Ruggiero, Joan Collins, Sunil Rampersad, Fran Benjamin, Leonard Daly, Di Piepol, Elizabeth Cameron, and the Chapter's Executive Council.