The THIRD of FOUR [Annual Artshows] The 2000's

LA ACM SIGGRAPH and the EZTV Online Museum  present:

DIGITAL ART: Los Angeles ACM SIGGRAPH x EZTV/CyberSpace Gallery

The THIRD of FOUR [Annual Artshows]  The 2000's

Presenters include: Barbara T. Smith, Rebecca Allen, Jon 9, Robert Lowden, and Maija Beeton, in conversation with Michael J. Masucci.

This THIRD of FOUR [Annual Artshows] - will take place at 7PM PDT / 9:30 PM PDT, on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. It will focus on digital art in the 2000's.

Curated by Michael J. Masucci, Joan Collins and Victor Acevedo

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Virtual Event
Creative Technologist
VIRTULARIUM Studio Holonyne Corporation

The THIRD of FOUR [Annual Artshows]    - Virtual


7:00 -- Welcome & Introductions

7:05 -- Presentations

.  .  .  .  Rebecca Allen 

.  .  .  .  Maija Beeton

.  .  .  .  Barbara T. Smith 

.  .  .  .  Jon 9

8:55 - 9:30p -- Electronic Theater of ARTIST's full-length selected animations



This is a free Zoom event.  You must register with Zoom to get access to the event.

This event is open and free to everyone. You must register through Zoom to get access to this Webinar. We always appreciate a donation or Chapter Membership to help cover our expenses.

You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

EZTV Online Museum, Michael J. Masucci, Moderator.  Presenters: Barbara T. Smith, Rebecca Allen, Jon 9, Maija Beeton and Robert Lowden.   Joan Collins, Dave Curlender, Leonard Daly and all members of the Executive Council of the Los Angeles Professional Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH.