Celebrating Blender 3.3, Kronos, and LA SIGGRAPH

LA SIGGRAPH joins LA.Blend for a joint event showcasing the latest features of Blender V3.3 (direct Zoom link). There will be a special presentation from artists from the Khronos Group to highlight the new import/export capability of Blender with glTF models and Physically Based Rendering (PBR). Image credits on event page.

Saturday, 24 September 2022
Virtual Event

Go directly to the Zoom meeting - this event does not required a reservation.

Image Credits

  • Olives under glass dome: Ray traced by the Dassault Systèmes Enterprise PBR. Model (c) 2021, Wayfair LLC, CC BY 4.0
  • Toy car. Visualized by the Stellar Path Tracer from Dassault Systèmes, Model created by Guido Odendahl. Distributed under CC0 license.
  • Mosquito in amber. Rendered in real-time in the Babylon.js Sandbox. Model by Loïc Norgeot and mosquito scan by Geoffrey Marchal for Sketchfab licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Go directly to the Zoom meeting - this event does not required a reservation.

10:00am-1:00pm -- Presentations


This is a free Zoom event. Go directly to the Zoom meeting - this event does not required a reservation.

This event is open and free to everyone. You must register through Zoom to get access to this Webinar. We always appreciate a donation or Chapter Membership to help cover our expenses.

You may Join the chapter for $40/year or Donate for any amount. We accept online payments through PayPal.

Special Thanks

LA.Blend with Stirling Goetz and David, ..., and all members of the Executive Council of the LA chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH.